Discussions – Movies, TV Shows & Games

This discussions page is for exploring information from plots to character details, as well as theories about the latest movie, TV and game content.

Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder plot theory

There’s still a mystery surrounding the plot for Wild Blue Yonder, however I have a theory about this upcoming Doctor Who 60th special.

Invincible Season 2 Trailer Breakdown

This is a breakdown for an official trailer that has been released for the adult animated superhero series Invincible season 2.

Theories about the recent Doctor Who photos

Here in this article, there are theories and breakdowns of those recent ‘Whospy’ images released for the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary specials.

The 2019 Movie That Features Time-Slipping

Synchronic is a 2019 science-fiction movie that features time-slipping; starring Anthony Mackie (Captain America: Civil War) and Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey).

6 Best Time Travel Series to Watch

Time travel has been a popular recurring theme to watch throughout science-fiction movie and TV shows. Here are 6 of the best time travel series to watch.

The Superhero Movie Confusion

Breaking down the superhero confusion about who could be Spider-Man in the SSU live-action spin-offs, as well as about DC characters.


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